Saturday, October 3rd, 2015 In
Life of a panther By Jorn
At Copypanthers we allow people to monetize their language assets – on their own premises. Today we share the story of Cecilie (23), who is using her freelance-job at Copypanthers as a way to express her love of writing, communication and marketing.
Meet Cecilie: she’s one of our Danish editors . When her maternity leave was almost up she decided to combine her job as a musician with her love for writing.
”I finally found a way to use my entire self”
Cecilie has been a part of the Danish Copypanthers team since February 2015. Nine months earlier she had given birth to her first child, and her maternity leave was about to end. She was preparing to return to her part time job as a musician, when she heard about Copypanthers through a Facebook group. At first she did not pay much attention to it, but when it occurred to her, that this could be an excellent opportunity to use her love of words and writing, she immediately contacted the Danish PM,
Karen, who introduced her to all the different ways to use her skills at Copypanthers!
”This job at Copypanthers was actually a dream coming true. Combined with keeping my part time job as a musician, it was like I finally found a way to use my entire self. Also, the fact that you are the master of your own time, really makes things are lot easier when you have a family to take care of. I work when I want to. Often it’s when my son sleeps at night. I really enjoy the ”me-time” I have, when writing texts at night.”
Cecilie also describes how the easy and always friendly communication with her superiors at Copypanthers is one of the main reasons she just keeps loving her job.
”When speaking to my Danish PM, I always get the feeling, that we understand each other. After working closely together for 8 months, she knows the areas where I have my assets, and she gives me the opportunities to use them. The environment at Copypanthers is always positive and full of energy. That is, when I communicate with the Danish team, but also when talking to the head team in Istanbul. It really means a lot!”
”I’m in charge of my own time – and I love it!”
Jobs at Copypanthers covers different kinds of areas. Doing assignments in every single area, Cecilie loves the dynamic and variation it creates.
”My main assignments at Copypanthers are writing SEO texts, proof-reading and translating. I also work as a Language Leader for the team that covers the blogging – and of course I write blogs myself. Being involved in all of the areas means, that there is always work to do! Also, I’m in daily contact with lots of different kinds of people, and that really just makes the work even more exciting.”
Working freelance for Copypanthers means you are in charge! You decide how much time you will put in the work, and you decide how much money you’ll make.
”I really like the simplicity: Every task pays an amount, and the more assignments you do, the more money you’ll make. To me, that’s really motivating to know. I’m in charge of my own time – and I love it! Things are generally kept simple at Copypanthers, and that makes everything much more manageable.”
“I’m in charge of my own time – and I love it!”
”You have the feeling, that you are a part of something really important”
Cecilie is thinking of Copypanthers as an important part of her working life, and she sees her as a part of the Danish team for the years to come.
”I want to keep on developing my skills and knowledge about marketing and SEO. That is my main goal. And the best part is, that I know, that there will always be room for both my other part time job, my husband and my son. That is really cool!”
Copypanthers is for those, who would like to use their language skills while working in the comfort of their own home.
”The awesome thing about Copypanthers is, that you work whenever or wherever you want. But all the time you have the feeling, that you are a part of something really important. And actually – you are! You are a part of an international content & and translation agency that covers all the European languages and delivers texts and translations all over Europe. I really like that thought!”
Would you like to join our team?
Do as Cecilie –
sign up now! You decide whether you want to proof-read, ghostwrite, translate – or all of the things at once. Are you looking for a full time job? Check out
Copypanthers Career, and look for open jobs.