The Best Freelance Job Ever

100% satisfaction guarantee
Wednesday, September 24th, 2014 In Life of a panther By Roman

Think helping people must be the best job ever? We do!

Let’s start with an executive summary: Copypanthers helps companies and people to monetize their language assets. We help SEO and SEM companies, along with e-shops large and small, to maximize ROI on their web-related content, which could range from onsite content about fashion or medicine, or AdWords ads about electronics.

Best freelance job ever!

As a freelancer, you can:

  • Work anywhere in the world on your own terms.
  • Make net €10-50k yearly, depending on how much you want to work and your role.
  • Manage and build your own team, like you think people should be treated.
  • Manage your own clients

Who are we looking for?

On top of being someone that would enjoy the extra income, you probably are:
  • An expat that is currently a bit frustrated because you have skills and experience but don’t have any interesting work.
  • A mom or dad that stays at home with the family, but still feels a bit bored from time to time.
  • An entrepreneur that runs a business part-time, but would like to fill 40 hours a week J but need to “top up” with some regular income.
  • Someone who can’t work full-time for other reasons, but still wants to work.
  • Networker: You simply know a lot of people and want to monetize on that by referring people you know or new business, while you chill out at the beach and earn your affiliate commission.
  • Digital nomad: You love traveling and this is basically your dream job.

Best freelance job to be a leader!

For us, it’s about the people!

Our vision is to provide millions of people and businesses (1 million by January 2019, to be exact) with an effective and fun way to increase their income. We believe that the biggest assets a company or person has are their language assets, however it is also one of the least ROI positive ones today. We aim to change that by using technology to make it easy for both companies and people to create great texts and ads.

You’re probably wondering about the money…

In essence, you take a commission of 10-20% of the project depending on what you do on the project. This means that you will make €10-50k in a year after 3-12 months (and depending on how many projects you handle).

Best freelance job within view!

What about the technology?

We have a team of the best programmers in Europe and probably the world that work day and night with our GitHub-inspired platform for communication called WordApp. Our platform allows one person to work, manage or outsource any project even if it involves 1,000’s of people in 100’s of languages.

Sound good? Apply now (or refer a friend)!

Right now, we are looking for about 40 people, where we will train you to be able to run our own content teams, but also how to generate your own clients (if you’re interested). To be considered as a candidate, please answer these 4 simple questions:
  1. What is/are your native language(s)?
  2. On a daily and weekly basis, how many hours can you/will you work in the 4th quarter of 2014?
  3. Given that you would be taking a 10% commission on the total value of the project, what is the target salary you need per month to be happy long-term?
  4. Where do you live and will you be able to partly recruit your own team of people that fit the Crowdpanther profile described above?
>>E-MAIL YOUR ANSWERS TO US!<< Afterwards, let’s have a Skype call and talk about your bright future as a Production Manager for Copypanthers!