Want English jobs? There’s plenty of work for you!

100% satisfaction guarantee
Monday, September 22nd, 2014 In Life of a panther By Roman

Is English your native language?

We have great news for you! There’s a new freelance position at Copypantehers called >>Production Manager<< that’s possibly the best freelance job ever. You can do it from home and there are some great perks, as well. Copypanthers has a vision to disrupt the way companies source their online content and you would be an integral part of that journey!


Your mission, should you choose to accept it…

  1. Show us you can do quality on English jobs by teaching helping verbs, pronouns, etc
  2. Build your own team and keep them happy (we love happy Panthers!)
  3. Show us what you’re made of and earn a 6% commission on all the projects you manage
  4. Take what you’ve learned and train another Production Manager for English jobs
  5. After 3 projects, come to Istanbul on an all-expenses paid trip for some training and to get to know us better
  6. When you go home, earn 10% commission on your projects

Products that have live English jobs right now:

  • Blogging as a service
  • Blog setup
  • Blog setup “light”
  • SEO translation

How much you can earn

Based on our current sales pipeline and regular customers, we are in a position to pay out at least €40,000 in commissions in 2015 on English jobs alone! If you are a freelancer, this is a chance you can’t afford to miss! We have some tests for you to complete right away if you want to start now.

>>Click here to start the tests now and get going<<