Halloween – 3 bloodsucking SEO tactics

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Saturday, October 31st, 2015 In SEO & links By Jorn
It’s Halloween, time to share some horror stories by one of our blogging PM’s: Georgi.

3 SEO Tactics that will suck the blood of your website

Hello folks, Halloween’s spirit is still everywhere in Copypanthers’ office and today’s blog post cannot remain unaffected by our creepy mood. We will bring back to mind a few spammy tactics which you have many reasons to be scared of. Using them is easy, but can kick your website off of Google’s index, or at least make you look spammy and compromise your credibility. Learn from White Label Reviews how to increase your web traffic using “white label” practices. Visit this webpage for some great info.
Halloween bloodsucking SEO tactics
1. Useless blog comments
“Very interesting post” or “Looking forward to read your next blog post.” Comments like that are obviously made just because of the backlink and nobody likes them. Blog comments still can be used, but they definitely have to contribute to readers by bringing a real value. As you can guess it’s time consuming, because you first should read the whole blog post, and then think about something meaningful related to the post. It can be an addition to the author’s POV, neutral or you can try provoking a discussion by being of the opposite opinion of the author.
2. Fake Social Signals
It’s a well known fact that social signals are an important part of Google’s algorithm. That’s why many people are progressively spamming Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and other websites with their blog posts. Some people try buying social signal services where social signals are dripping to your website all day long. Others are using proxy servers with an IP address which matches the IP of the town where their business is located.
Before flooding Facebook or other social media websites with your posts, just ask yourself a few questions: 1) Do you really think Google can’t tell the difference between a spammy Facebook profile with more denied friends requests than friends and a legitimate Facebook profile? 2) Do you really think Google does not have a list of all proxy IP’s? 3) Do you really think Google tolerates you using shabby services like Fake Social Signal dripping?
Keep in mind that the biggest brains on the planet are working in Google’s office and you have very little chance if you decide to cheat them. You better put your efforts into building something that is not against Google’s policy.
3. Keyword stuffing
“We sell custom cigar humidors. Our custom cigar humidors are handmade. If you’re thinking of buying a custom cigar humidor, please contact our custom cigar humidor specialists.” Nobody likes to read texts like that. Saturating texts with keywords is considered a black hat technique and you can get caught by the Panda for this. Moreover, your visitors will have a very bad experience reading your page. It will be nearly impossible to make somebody link to your page naturally because you look like a spammer, and nobody likes to link to spammers. There are online tools which you can use to measure the percentage of keyword density of the text, but the best checking you can do is to read the text yourself and decide if it flows naturally and if the keywords are used too many times.
Grow your SERP traffic organically
Copypanthers’ SEO content generally pushes your SERP with 50-70% giving you an ROI of 3+ times (we’ve seen ROI’s of 100+). Get your free quote now and enjoy Halloween being afraid of other things than your SERP ranking!