Get a PayBOOST from Copypanthers

100% satisfaction guarantee
Tuesday, December 10th, 2013 In Life of a panther By Roman

Refer your friends and get a “PayBOOST”!

It seems like everyone these days is interested in how to make money as a freelancer. Copypanthers is growing and we are becoming more and more successful at our mission:

To help people and companies monetize their language assets by becoming the Amazon of translation and content.


Our PayBOOST campaign is designed to help our crowdpanthers (AKA freelancers) to not only monetize their language assets, but to also monetize their language network. As we grow and grow, we are always in need of people who are knowledgeable and skilled in their native tongue. Especially…
  • Swedish
  • Norwegian
  • Danish
  • Finnish

“Pay BOOST” Campaign: How it works

To take part in our PayBOOST campaign, you should:
  • Be interested in becoming a crowdpanther (AKA freelancer) as a translator, proofreader or writer
  • Register at
  • Request a unique link from us and start referring friends
For every person that you refer who gets onto our list of approved translators/writers, you will receive $25. In addition to that, if two people get approved, you’ll receive a 20% ”PayBOOST” on all your projects you deliver until the end of February 2014. If you have friends that know those languages, this is an opportunity you can’t miss! If you are an existing crowdpanther, you should already have a unique link so you can refer friends as well.   Happy recruiting!