Set Up Market Samurai: 5 Simple Steps

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Market Samurai is a very useful tool to do keyword research that we often use here at Copypanthers. Here are the steps to follow to get fully set up to start your keyword research.

1. Make sure you’re fully logged into Google Keywords Tool.

You’ll need a Google account. If you don’t have one, you can get one for free. Potential problems:
  • Google asks to register a company: Just skip this step. Use the service as an individual.
  • Setting a currency: Once you set this you can never go back! Choose wisely.

2. Download and install Market Samurai.

3. Create a project in Market Samurai.

Create a name for your project. Write a single target keyword the summarizes what KW you want to use for the research.
  • Make sure you set the language correctly.

4. Connect your Google Adwords account to Market Samurai.

Important step!
  • You must connect your Google Adwords account to use Market Samurai!
  • Make sure you’re logged into Google Adwords and leave it open in a browser
  • Connect your Google Adwords account to Market Samurai.

5. Start doing KW research!