FAQs for Training Lessons: SEO & Translation

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This FAQs page is to help you with your most urgent questions pertaining to the training lessons at Copypanthers. We try to provide answers to all the common questions we hear from applicants just like you. If your question isn’t answered here, we recommend that you take a look at the example link to see a page that was done correctly.

FAQs for SEO Training

“I signed up as a translator.  Why do I have to be trained as an SEO writer?” 
The assignment is for all applicants, regardless of whether you applied as a translator or writer.  We need texts from all applicants mainly because a written text in your native language(s) is a first indicator that you are indeed native in your listed target language(s).
Besides, writing an SEO text is also helpful to get familiarized with SEO requirements because our translations often must be SEO optimized.  Furthermore, many applicants sign up first as translators but are later also interested in becoming SEO writers.
“I want to participate in the training for translators.  Where I can sign up?”
Lessons for translation are new and therefore still in the making; they will be offered at a future date.
“I also want to be trained as a ghost blogger for WordPress.  Do you offer training for this as well?”
Yes, we will in the near future!

“You stress that SEO writing has to be 100% grammatically correct but the given keywords are not grammatically correct.  How do I handle such keywords?”
Given keywords might not be grammatically correct because they are reflections of how users type in search terms when using search engines. For now, we would ask you to use the keywords exactly as specified – even if they are ungrammatical.  This is the only exception of grammar mistakes we will accept, please bear in mind that the rest of your SEO text still has to be 100% grammatically correct. You do have to use your language’s capitalization rules, and you can add prepositions/endings for the keyword if necessary.
“I got a keyword in a language that I don’t want to write in. What should I do?”
This may have happened because you accidentally reversed your languages on our registration form. Please fill out the form again and be sure to pay attention so that you fill your target languages (AKA your native languages) in the correct field. You can just ignore that lesson. After 2 weeks, your keyword will expire and we’ll assign it to someone else.
If you received multiple emails with multiple languages, you are welcome to complete all of them as long as you are 100% certain that your level is native. Otherwise, you can choose the language you are most comfortable with and continue in that language.
“How do I deliver my lessons?”
Email your text (as an attachment in either MS Word or OpenOffice format) to the link provided to you via email. This will make it appear in the reviewer’s Dropbox automatically.
“When do I hear if I passed the lesson?”
We’re trying hard to get back to you as soon as possible, sometimes it takes a little longer because we’re building our new system as we go. Please bear with us!
“My keyword is in English, but my language is Danish/Swedish/etc.?”
Based on search engine queries in your country we create our keywords automatically. It seems that people are looking for English keywords, so you’ll have to use the English keyword and the rest of your text should be in the language specified.
Besides this FAQs page, you can also visit these helpful pages: