Friday, March 8th, 2013 In
Other articles By Roman

Turkish women demonstrating – Istanbul
To the mothers, teachers, caregivers, risk takers, problem-solvers, and all women around the world, Copypanthers wishes you a very Happy International Women’s Day!
The promotion of women’s rights is a priority for the global economy and for the development of our societies. The importance of psychological and financial support is also critical. At Copypanthers, we promote gender equality for all work places – starting in our office. As we all know, Turkey still has a great deal to do and a long way to go in order to compete for women’s rights, but nevertheless, Turkey has its fair share of famous women. Writers, businesswomen, aviators, singers, artists, transvestites or actresses devoted to resourceless people all contribute to make Turkey a more welcoming country for the feminine gender.
inflatable human bubble
Just to name a few facts, did you know that Sabiha Gokcen Airport, on the Asian side of the city is named after one of Ataturk’s adopted daughters? She was actually the first warplane female pilot in Turkey. Tansu Ciller was Turkey’s first female Prime Minister and Ayse Arman regularly outshines her male colleagues in the world of news media. Let’s not forget all the women who fought during the decline of the Ottoman Empire to found a feminist movement and who began to demand rights for women. Turkey gave women the right to vote way before some European countries, in 1934. Early Turkish feminists also published women’s magazines in different languages in order to reach a wider audience and thus became part of the
Kemalist* modernisation efforts.
To support a better world for women, send us your translation! And in the meantime, we wish a Happy International Women’s Day to all the women in the world.
*Kemalist: political ideology of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk about the principles defining the Modern Republic of Turkey.